8 april - STEICO
STEICO_House_RGB_profiel 2


8 april - STEICO


18:00 - 22:30


Renovating ecologically and sustainably - with STEICO.

The environmentally friendly STEICO insulation materials offer numerous benefits: they provide double climate protection, as they store CO2 and avoid CO2 emissions due to saved heating energy. They also protect against cold, heat, noise, and moisture. STEICO insulation materials are vapor-permeable and support a healthy living environment.


Niels Pinson, Technical Sales Representative BeLux of STEICO, delves into the applications and properties of STEICO products.

For who?

This Academy is offered free of charge to customers of Lemahieu Group and LDCwood® ThermoWood®. Registration is only possible after receiving an invitation.


After this Academy, you will be able to advise your customer better in the right choice of insulation, type of I-beam and LVL.


STEICO_House_RGB_profiel 2


  • 18u00 - Welcome

  • Introduction by Dieter Penninck, Business & Product Development Manager, Lemahieu Group

  • Presentation “STEICO-products in the picture” by Niels Pinson, Technical-commercial representative BeLux, STEICO

  • 19u40 - Q&A

  • 20u00 - Diner

  • 22u30 - End
