Circular sports hall Bredius

Circular sports hall Bredius

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Fire retardant


Fire retardant



Circular sports complex Bredius is the new home base of SC Muiden. The ensemble of the sports hall, the sports park and the strip along the Trekvaart form the scenic entrance to Muiden and the Krijgsman. Sports complex Bredius exists of a high volume and an architectural canopy with a column structure. As a result, the sports hall expresses the different scale levels in use, sports experience, and functionality.

Ecological and sustainable solutions


The circular approach to the Bredius sports hall covers a wide range of aspects. Besides achieving a number of firsts in terms of circular construction, the project focuses on combining fire safety with ecology and sustainability. For this last aspect, the chosen solution was LDCwood® ThermoWood® pine, which was given a fire-retardant treatment by Lemahieu Fire Protection (Lemahieu Group). Thermally modified pine is durable, stable and environmentally sound.


“We came into contact with Lichtstad Architecten through a previous project, where they wanted a fire-retardant solution for wooden facade cladding with slats. Our ecological fire-retardant solution with ThermoWood® pine at ‘end of use’ delivered the required properties in that situation,” explains Technical sales adviser Geoffrey Moerman from Lemahieu Group.


Wood professionals


We are experienced in thermal modification, planing and fire-retardant treatment of wood, all at our premises in Ostend. The circular construction of the Bredius sports hall in Muiden was based on a slatted arrangement of ThermoWood®. Because of our knowledge of and experience in implementing fire-retardant solutions, we were asked to treat the wood with fire-retardant for this project as well. Ultimately, we were able to offer an ecological and sustainable solution that fulfilled the requirements of Lichtstad Architecten and Rots Bouw BV, as well as meeting the required fire reaction class in this particular configuration. The solution implemented in this project consists of ThermoWood® pine, section 41 x 137 mm, 3,400 running metres, fire reaction class B-s2, d0.


The fact that part of the slat structure had to be load-bearing presented another significant challenge. ThermoWood® has no strength class per se. Therefore, 900 running metres of C24 deal in section 41 x 175 mm were used for the load-bearing section, again given a fire-retardant treatment and brown impregnated by us.”


Archello Award 2023


Lichtstad Architects' project was finalist within two major categories: for 'Planet Award' and 'Best Sports and Leisure Building of the Year.' Circular Sports Hall received the most votes, earning the prestigious Archello Award '23 'Sports and Leisure Building of the Year.'


Project sheet